Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So here in Europe know one quite understands the extent people go to celebrate the holidays in America. I explained to them "Black Friday" but they think it's just a normal day with clearanced items. I will show them pictures of stores tomorrow. Also, after I was finished making a very life-like picture of a turkey today... nobody knew what it was! Today I miss my family and friends and I will especially during the next month to come, being it the Christmas season, which is my favorite of all time. The Christmas music here just doesn't have the same holiday spirit. Therefore, I'm burning a CD with all of my favorite holiday tunes. Today it started to snow on my way home from school for the first time since I've been here. It would have been great but a 30 minute slightly uphill walk in heels isn't the way I wanted to finish my 7 hour school day. However I'm now enjoying the snow covered neighborhood with a cup of hot chocolate and good company!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone,
and enjoy waking up way too early for Black Friday ;)